Safety Streaks at CEI

Strongsville Meter Reading group

May 2, 2018

Employees in the following work groups at The Illuminating Company (CEI) celebrated extended safety streaks:

  • Electrical Services surpassed 12 years without an OSHA-recordable incident. Fifteen employees are in the group.
  • Meter readers at the Strongsville Service Center achieved six years without an OSHA recordable. Six meter readers work out of Strongsville.

“We commend employees in Electrical Services and the Strongsville Meter Reading group for their outstanding achievements,” says CEI Regional President John Skory. “They are setting a great example of the day-by-day commitment required to return home safely to their family members and friends.”

Bargaining-unit employees at CEI are represented by Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) Local 270.

Electrical Services group