Supporting United Way – Always

December 27, 2018
In addition to our generous support during the annual United Way campaigns, our employees and the FirstEnergy Foundation continue support throughout the year.
The United Way of Marion (W.Va.) County (UWMC) received a $55,990 FirstEnergy Foundation check. Above, L. to r. are: Allen Staggers, director, External Affairs; Holly Kauffman, president, West Virginia Operations; Brett White, executive director, UWMC; and Libby Durr , manager, External Affairs. In addition to the contribution, several Mon Power employees participated in UWMC’s United Way Day of Caring.
Terry Gilman, manager, Community Initiatives and Contributions (l.), was recently honored by the Greater Berks Food Bank. Terry received the agency’s 23rd Annual Jim and Anna Connors Award for his role in spearheading the FirstEnergy/Met-Ed Harvest for Hunger initiative. Over the years, Harvest for Hunger has raised more than $450,000 for the Greater Berks Food Bank, helping to provide nourishment to the region’s most vulnerable population. Doug Long, manager of Marketing and Development, Greater Berks Food Bank, presents the award.