Fakult Named to New Jersey ‘Power’ Lists

March 24, 2022

Jim Fakult, president, New Jersey Operations, has been named to the “power” lists of business publications ROI-NJ and NJBiz for his leadership of JCP&L, as well as his role at the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce.

Jim was ranked No. 40 on ROI-NJ’s Power List 2022: Top 50*, which recognizes the most influential New Jersey business leaders. The group noted that Jim is “not only the state leader of one of the most important energy companies, he is also the chair of the state chamber, one of the many nonprofit organizations to which he lends his time and thought leadership.” In addition to the Top 50 honor, ROI-NJ included Jim in their Power List 2022: New Jersey Executives* lineup.

Jim has also been named to the NJBiz 2022 Power 100* list, an annual list of the men and women who are creating New Jersey’s future. As the state focuses on a clean energy future, NJBiz highlighted Jim’s leadership on proposals and programs aimed at supporting the increase in electric vehicle utilization, improving energy efficiency and aiding in the safe, efficient delivery of offshore wind-generated power.

“I’m proud of the work JCP&L has done over the past year to help make New Jersey neighborhoods attractive places to live, work and do business, while also helping to drive our state forward under the Clean Energy Master Plan,” said Jim. “While it is my name that is on the list, the recognition really belongs to every member of the JCP&L family for their dedication to making our customers’ lives brighter and our communities stronger.”

A 34-year employee of FirstEnergy, Jim has overseen New Jersey operations since 2013. Last year, he was appointed to a two-year term as chair of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce’s board of directors.

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