May 31, 2022
A group of Toledo Edison employees recently took advantage of the nice spring weather to support Earth Day and Arbor Day volunteer opportunities.
Nine employees participated in Bittersweet Farms’ Earth Day Clean Up. The group raked leaves, laid down mulch, removed weeds and replaced several old fence posts.
Ready for Earth Day are, standing, l.-r.: Mike Hosier, director, Operations; Bob Thanasiu, regional distribution system operator, West; Trina Myers, Customer Account specialist IV; Loren McDonald, organizational effectiveness consultant; and Mark Dudley, analyst V. Sitting/kneeling: Jessica Draper and Amiee Dale, meter readers; Jim Veglia, director, Operations; and Brad Gillespie, manager, Customer Accounts.
Thirteen employees helped plant 92 Trees at Toledo Metro Park’s Howard Marsh in celebration of Arbor Day.