Supporting Education

December 22, 2022

Ongoing learning opportunities are the basis for a growing – and strong – community. Here are a few examples of our company’s support.

A generous $50,000 FirstEnergy Foundation Investing with Purpose grant will assist Sussex County Community College (SCCC), in JCP&L’s service area, with materials and supplies needed for its technical education programs.

L.-r.: Jason Fruge, SCCC; Rich Rebisz, consultant, Regional External Affairs; and Stan Kula, SCCC, in the welding area of the McGuire Technical Education Center where much of the program materials will be purchased for students.

The Lake Erie Nature and Science Center in Bay Village – a customer of The Illuminating Company – received a $5,000 FirstEnergy Foundation grant for its general operations.

Dave Conley, consultant, Regional External Affairs (l.) presents the check grant to Morgan Paskert, Lake Erie Nature and Science Center.

The FirstEnergy Foundation presented a $3,750 grant to the YMCA of Reading and Berks County (served by Met-Ed) for support of its Youth Mental Health First Aid. The program teaches parents, family members, caregivers, school staff and other caring citizens how to help adolescents who are experiencing mental health or addiction challenges.

From l.-r.: Phillip Borup and Kim Johnson, YMCA of Reading and Berks County; Jenn Rivera, consultant, Regional External Affairs; and Mark Sondag, director, Operations, Met-Ed.