A Fun Work Day for All

Magnus Mitchell, son of Victoria Chalmers, Customer Service representative, Reading FECC, donned a hard hat and gloves for a special photo.

June 27, 2019

A number of children had the opportunity to spend a work day with mom or dad as part of national Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® Day. Here are some highlights from our Met-Ed, Pleasants Power Station and Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) events.

Nearly 30 children spent the day learning more about Met-Ed and the electric utility industry. During the morning, the kids received a FirstEnergy career overview, visited the new IT Solution Café and toured the utility pole yard. For the afternoon, they shadowed their parents and visited various departments.

Checking out the pole yard.

A very happy group!

Pleasants Power Station employees enjoyed sharing daily work activities with their children. 

Jay Morris, supervisor, Plant Production, brought sons, Blake, 9, and Trenton, 6. The boys enjoyed their time seeing Dad’s work place.


Bryan Jones, master mechanic, is with his daughter, Brylee.

George Harris IV, material technician, and son, George Harris V.

John Johnson (JJ), material technician, and son, Jyles.

Below, JCP&L’s Heather Nooitgedagt (far left), Meter Reading Customer Service representative, and Pete Nooitgedagt (far right), supervisor, Regional Operations Line & Substations East, spent the day showing daughter, Kasadi, their work areas at the Newton facility.

For more Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® Day fun, check out this FE-TV video.