Back to School Driving Safety

August 19, 2023

As we near the start of another school year, bright yellow buses soon will be traveling on roadways across our service territory. You can help ensure students stay safe by following traffic guidelines pertaining to school buses.

Flashing yellow lights indicate that a bus is preparing to stop to pick up or drop off students. Motorists should slow down and prepare to stop. Red flashing lights and an extended crossing arm indicate the bus has stopped and students are getting on or off. Motorists are required to stop their vehicle and wait until the red lights stop flashing, the crossing arm is withdrawn, and the bus is in motion before they start moving again.

Here are some other driving tips to help ensure students get to school and back home safely:

  • Watch out for kids. Practice good situational awareness when backing out of the garage or leaving your driveway, looking out for youngsters who are walking to the bus stop or to school. Also, be alert for children playing and congregating near bus stops.
  • Slow down in school zones. Be aware of students who are on their way to school but may not be focused on getting there safely. Watch for children walking in the street, especially if there are no sidewalks in the area.
  • Allow additional travel time. The start of the school year often means increased traffic and longer commutes. Leave for your destination a little earlier to alleviate anxiety and avoid any temptation to speed or disobey traffic laws.
  • Use extra caution in bad weather. Reduced visibility in rain, fog, snow or other inclement weather can make it difficult for drivers to see children and for children to see vehicles. Poor road conditions can also increase braking distance if you need to stop quickly.

Employees are reminded that company driving policy prohibits sending/reading text messages or performing any other activity that takes your attention away from the road. Help make this school year a safe one by always using caution in school zones and around buses.