Best of the Best
April 19, 2019
“Our employees have once again been recognized for their hard work and commitment to excellence,” said David McDonald, regional president, West Penn Power, upon receiving the FirstEnergy Utilities (FEU) Excellence Award for the second time in three years. “When you have more than 700 employees who are dedicated to working safely and to going the extra mile for our customers, it creates a strong foundation for success.”
The Excellence Award is presented annually to the best performing business unit within the FEU, FirstEnergy Transmission and Customer Service organizations in recognition of overall performance and leadership. Groups are ranked based on 15 performance metrics in employee safety, service reliability, customer service and finance.
“West Penn Power is one of the few operating companies to achieve this award more than once, previously receiving it in 2016,” continued David. “There is not one role in our organization that did not contribute to our success last year.”
In 2018, West Penn Power employees were on target for Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) incident rate, achieved stretch-level performance in Chargeable Motor Vehicle Accident (CMVA) rate, and met threshold for Days Away, Restrictions & Transfers (DART) rate. No FEU operating company achieved its target in all three of these measures last year.
In regard to customer service and reliability metrics, West Penn Power turned in a solid performance, helping to ensure FEU’s Distribution System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) finished the year between threshold and target. SAIDI is one of our company’s key reliability measures.
“West Penn Power employees should be proud of what we accomplished in 2018,” added David. “I am thankful for your dedication to your jobs and to working safely. I’m also proud of our accomplishments and honored to share this meaningful recognition with you.”