Electrical Safety Hits the Road

February 13, 2025
FirstEnergy’s Public Safety department is reminding people about the dangers energized electrical equipment can pose following a car accident. Anyone who gets behind the wheel should know how to handle this type of situation so they can stay safe.
“Downed power lines in contact with a vehicle create a dangerous situation for drivers, passengers, bystanders, Good Samaritans and first responders,” said Jamie McMullen, Public Safety Consultant. “Knowing what to do in this type of situation can help reduce your exposure to injury and keep the public safe.”
Key steps to take after an accident involving electrical equipment include:
- Call 911 immediately.
- Move the car away from the line or equipment if you can do so safely.
- If the car cannot be moved, stay inside until electric utility workers notify you it is safe to exit.
- Warn others to stay at least 30 feet from the vehicle, keeping pets away, as well.
- If you must exit the car due to a fire or other imminent danger, do NOT touch the car and the ground at the same time. Jump clear, landing with your feet together and – keeping your feet on the ground at all times – shuffle your feet until you are at least 30 feet away from the vehicle.
- Do not return to the car.
These instructions are demonstrated and further explained in a video created by Public Safety that provides tips for staying safe when a vehicle accident involving electrical equipment occurs. The video can be viewed on FirstEnergy’s Stop. Look. Live. safety website and on the company’s dedicated YouTube channel.
“The goal of our Public Safety Outreach program is to promote awareness and provide educational information to members of the public about situations involving electrical equipment,” added Jamie. “We encourage anyone who gets behind the wheel to watch and share the video for guidance about the best way to handle this type of situation.”
More tips on staying safe around power lines and equipment are available on FirstEnergy’s Stop. Look. Live. website at www.firstenergycorp.com/publicsafety.

If you must exit your vehicle due to eminent danger (e.g., the vehicle is smoking or on fire), make sure no part of your body touches the ground and the vehicle at the same time. Electricity will flow from the energized object through your body and into the ground.

The correct way to exit your vehicle is by jumping out and clear of the vehicle with your feet together. Then shuffle your feet, keeping them on the ground and as close together as possible, while moving at least 30 feet from the vehicle.