Employees Bring Energy to the FirstEnergy Akron Marathon

October 5, 2023
FirstEnergy served as the title sponsor of the FirstEnergy Akron Marathon and employees brought energy to the event in a variety of ways.
On Friday, Sept. 29, our Customer Policy & Solutions Transportation Electrification Team participated in the marathon’s Health & Fitness Expo to promote the use of electric vehicles. Sara Haas, senior business analyst, Megan Bentz, associate business analyst and Ryan Martinez, manager market & customer program analysis, debuted the Tesla – the marathon’s first electric pace car. Runners stopped by to see the FirstEnergy-branded vehicle that listed all 7,000 runners, with FirstEnergy employee’s names highlighted in yellow.
On Friday evening, Louie the Lightning Bug (also known as Bryan Jankura, transmission operations specialist II,) shared his FirstEnergy spirit with participants of the Kids Fun Run by giving hugs and high fives to the mini runners.
Early Saturday, Sept. 30, nearly 100 FirstEnergy employees and thousands of competitors, gathered at the marathon start line. Louie was on hand to greet the crowds and Michelle Henry, senior vice president, Customer Experience, kicked off the event with opening remarks. “We’re excited to have FirstEnergy employees here from start to finish – driving the new electric pace car, escorting runners, offering much needed hydration – and working side by side with friends, neighbors, customers to keep participants safe and on course,” Michelle said.
The electric pace car was driven through the 26.2-mile racecourse by Mitchell Langdon, supervisor, relay & control training, Energy Delivery Operations Skills Training.
Among the cyclists escorting runners from the start line were Tricia Ingraham, consultant, External Communications; Amy Hopkins, consultant, Regional External Affairs, and her husband, Michael; and retiree Steve Briggs.
FirstEnergy Young Professionals (FEYPs) hosted a water station at mile 12 to keep the runners hydrated. Volunteers include Matthew Dougherty; Donald Gaines; Meaka Lewis, FEYP Cares Director; Rhonda Lowery; Kyle Manring; Jesse Mitchell; Theresa Ramirez, FEYP Cares Director; Ryan Rodojev, and Deitra Taylor.
Several employees and family members cheered on the runners from our Power Zone located near the finish line where members of our Food Services team, Edward Bailey, Acqhia Coleman and Daisey Gussey brought refreshments to keep the crowd energized.
Our Ohio Edison utility trucks brought energy to runners near the finish line with signs reading “Power On” and “Way to Go.” Bryan Coyne, supervisor, Regional Operations, Line & Substations West; Chad Yaros, line leader-U1; and Cole Thompson, lineworker A, set up the trucks to arch the racecourse.
Also, our Stop. Look. Live. Tailer was at the Kids Fun Run and the finish line to provide safety information and demonstrations. Becky Giltz, advanced distribution associate; Ian Harker, engineer III; Matthew Kasinecz, senior process coach and Matthew Leininger, advanced business analyst shared our safety core values with race participants and spectators.
Check out this video for more highlights of the 21st Akron Marathon.