FirstEnergy Wins National Safety Awards

FirstEnergy representatives accepting one of the Zero Injury Safety Awards are: Ken Sturtecky, director, Generation Services (2nd from left), Mike Mamone, manager, Regulated Generation Safety (3rd from left), Senior Safety Representative Jodi Dragich (4th from left), Field Services Manager Justin Brown (5th from left) and Shelly Baber, manager, Contractor & Public Safety (3rd from right).
November 21, 2019
FirstEnergy Generation sites along with their contractor alliance business owners and craft workers have been recognized nationally for their commitment to safety.
FirstEnergy and companies working with the Fort Martin, Harrison and Pleasants power plants were presented Zero Injury Safety Awards® by the National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee, Inc. (NMAPC), at a recent event in Washington, D.C.
Each Zero Injury Safety Award® recognizes an alliance between owner-clients, signatory contractors and local and international unions who worked together to achieve zero injuries on their industrial construction and maintenance projects.
We received the following bronze awards, which represent 200,000 to 499,999 hours worked without a recordable injury:
- FirstEnergy, Minnotte Contracting and North Central West Virginia Building Trades Council for achieving 460,371 safe work hours at the Harrison Power Station.
- Also at Harrison, we were honored with Chapman Corporation and North Central West Virginia Building Trades Council for 373,767 safe work hours.
- Fort Martin Power Station, Burnham Industrial Contractors and North Central West Virginia Building Trades Council for 231,928 safe work hours.
FirstEnergy also received three certificates of merit, representing 50,000 to 99,000 hours with zero recordable injuries.