Getting it Done in Jersey!

October 13, 2022

Nonprofit organizations in our JCP&L service territory are benefitting from employee volunteerism and FirstEnergy Foundation support.

(L.) Frank Luna consultant, Regional External Affairs (r.), recently delivered donated JCP&L coolers to Mercy Center in Asbury Park. Kim Guadagno (l.), Mercy Center’s executive director, said the coolers will help the food pantry provide cold food to residents. Mercy Center’s food pantry is one of two that is open full-time in the area.
(R.) Tina Earley, consultant, Regional External Affairs (r.), presented a $2,000 FirstEnergy Foundation check to Leslie Koppel, RISE, for its Summer Enrichment program. Located in central New Jersey, RISE assists families and individuals in overcoming obstacles and achieving their full potential through services and facilitating community partnerships.

JCP&L donated the use of a storm trailer for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) camporee. Spencer Morasch, retiree, coordinated this effort. Our trailer was used as the BSA command center for the weekend event that attracted more than 5,000 people. Spencer (l. front) is shown with BSA volunteers.

Members of JCP&L’s EBRGs (Women in Leadership, MOSaic and Veterans & Allies) held a personal hygiene products drive to collect items for 50 girls attending the Sisters of Mercy Academy in Asbury Park. The successful drive resulted in 130 bags filled with soap, shower gel, deodorant, wipes, shampoo and conditioner, mouthwash and many more items.

L.-r.: Felechia Martin, supervisor, Revenue Operations; Elaine Vincent, advisor, Community Involvement; Joan Ceinski, HR representative IV and lead coordinator of the donation drive; Kim Guadagno, Mercy Center/Sisters of Mercy Academy; and Annette Kavanagh, advanced scientist.