INPO Evaluation and Assessment Results for Beaver Valley

April 3, 2019
The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) this week recognized Beaver Valley for remaining at an exemplary performance level, indicating the site continues to operate among the top nuclear plants in the United States. This is the sixth consecutive time in the last 12 years that Beaver Valley has received such recognition.
“Achieving this level of performance is difficult; sustaining it for a decade is exceptional,” said Chief Nuclear Officer Paul Harden. “Everyone at Beaver Valley should be very proud of this accomplishment. It is a reflection of your dedication, professionalism, hard work and commitment to the rigorous principles and responsibilities of the nuclear industry.”
Wednesday morning, INPO representatives briefed John Judge, FES president & CEO, on the results of Beaver Valley’s Performance Based Evaluation that was conducted in February.
All U.S. nuclear plants undergo an evaluation through INPO every two years. Every third evaluation, the review is conducted by the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) to assess how the U.S. plants compare to nuclear facilities worldwide.
Beaver Valley Site President Rich Bologna thanked employees, stating, “The journey toward excellence is never ending and the bar keeps moving higher. Today’s recognition by INPO would not have been possible without the engagement and ownership each of you demonstrate every day. We need to stay focused on continually improving, and the INPO team left us with a number of areas where we should make improvements right away.”