Keeping Education First

April 5, 2023

FirstEnergy employees and the FirstEnergy Foundation know the value of education in keeping our communities strong. Here are a few examples.

Cameron County Outdoor Youth Activities (West Penn Power), a nonprofit for educational improvement, received a $1,000 FirstEnergy Foundation donation. The organization’s mission is to provide youth the opportunity and education to become aware of and comfortable with an outdoor lifestyle. Education programs include Wild About Nature, night-sky viewing events, archery, rifle team, annual river cleanup and more.

At the check presentation are Joleen Hindman, consultant, Regional External Affairs (r.) and Taylor Gillette, Cameron County Outdoor Youth Activities.

The FirstEnergy Foundation donated $10,000 to Keystone Elk Country Alliance (KECA) in Benezette, Pa., (West Penn Power). The conservation education program reaches more than 41,000 participants annually. Our funds will help the organization expand the capacity of the outdoor classroom to help meet the demand for more educational programs and enhance the guest experience for students, visitors and corporate groups. The elk herd has grown to nearly 1,500, that roam across six counties in what is designated as the Pennsylvania Wilds region of the state.

At the check presentation, l.-r.: Rawley Cogen, KECA; Joleen; Jeff Gauger, KECA; and Jack Kifer, operations manager, West Penn Power.

CEI recently hosted 40 guests from Cleveland STEP, a partnership between Cleveland Water and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. The program is made up of 50 sixth through ninth graders throughout our combined service areas, spanning more than 80 communities. Cleveland STEP encourages students to build toward a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) by connecting them to educational institutions, businesses and industry and community leaders, such as FirstEnergy. The students had a chance to view our safety trailer and talk with FirstEnergy employees, Pat Mullins, acting president, Ohio Operations; Matt Iwaszkiw, engineer IV; Jeff Golias, Design Services; and LaJeana Dickson-Gilliam, Customer Account specialist II.

Cleveland STEP participants viewing our safety trailer demonstration.

FirstEnergy Akron-area employees once again participated in Akron Public Schools Exploring Club after-school program. Exploring Club introduces middle[1]school students to different careers. Our employees shared their science knowledge and career paths to lead students in hands-on activities related to their career areas. Students at the National Hall of Fame School Center for STEM watched a demonstration of our Smart Grid Trailer courtesy of our Distribution System Operations & Engineering Services. FirstEnergy participants were Mark Vallo, manager, Smart Grid Performance & Support; Steve Villagomez, supervisor, Distribution System Operations; Andrew Green, engineer II; Al Morinec, supervisor, Relay & Controls; Ron Carson, engineer V; and Kristen Citarella, engineer V.