Manage Your Energy Costs This Summer

June 30, 2023

Did you know that if you live in Ohio, Maryland, New Jersey or Pennsylvania you can shop for electricity just like you shop for other products and services? You can, and it could save you money.

Here’s how to get started:

Take a look at your most recent bill and you’ll find it separated into two parts: a charge from your electric company for delivering electricity to your home and a separate charge for the electricity you use. For the second component, you can shop around and choose a competitive energy supplier that best meets your needs.

If you do not shop for a supplier, your electric company is required to purchase it for you and the rate is listed as the Price to Compare – or PTC – on your bill. If you find a supplier that offers a generation rate lower than the current PTC, you may be able to pay less.

Many non-shopping customers saw an increase in the PTC on June 1 due to the results of competitive auctions for generation. We encourage you to learn more about your options so you can select a generation rate that works best for you and your budget.

When evaluating suppliers, you should consider price, plan structure (fixed or variable rate), contract terms and conditions, and any taxes, charges and fees that may apply. You have the ability to choose what matters most to you in selecting a rate or program.

Learn more about the shopping process and get links to lists of licensed suppliers, at

Tips to Save Energy

No matter which energy supplier you choose, you can improve your home’s energy efficiency this summer with these tips:

  • Set thermostats as high as comfort will allow. Every degree you increase the temperature in your home can result in using about 3% less energy during the summer.
  • Use a programmable or smart thermostat to keep temperatures higher when no one is home and to reduce the temperature before arriving back home.
  • During sunny weather, close drapes or blinds on windows facing the sun to prevent direct radiant heating from impacting temperatures inside.
  • Check air conditioner and furnace fan filters. Clogged filters waste energy and money by forcing your HVAC system to work harder than necessary.
  • Avoid using heat-producing appliances during the hottest hours of the day. The less heat produced at home, the less work the air conditioner will do.

View additional tips and resources to save energy and see what energy-saving programs are available in your area at

We understand these are challenging financial times for many customers, and we want to help. If you need help paying your bill, you can see if you qualify for a payment arrangement or assistance program at