Our Caring Actions Continue

October 27, 2021

A perfect example of FirstEnergy employees giving back to the communities we serve is their support of the United Way’s Day of Caring/Day of Action events. A number of United Way agencies in our service territory truly benefited from employees’ generous donation of time – and elbow grease!

JCP&L employees assisted eight nonprofit organizations on behalf of the United Way’s Day of Action. Here are a few examples.

Employees volunteered at the Boy Scouts of America – Quail Hill Scout Reservation (BSA-QHSR) in Manalapan, N.J., clearing brush from around the fishing pond.

L.-r.: Spencer Morasch, engineer V; Suzanne Pojawa, senior clerk; Sean Robertson and Izameek Harris, third-year apprentices; Devon Weiss, Utility Construction & Maintenance first class; and Adam Sumanrd and Mike Mahon, BSA-QHSR representatives.

Fulfill Foodbank in Neptune, N.J., benefitted from our employees’ Day of Action support. Our volunteers packed fresh corn on the cob into individual bags as part of a picnic food kit for clients.

L.-r.: Michael Morris, cable splicer; Kevin Landers, chief cable splicer; Tina Bristow, distribution technician III; Kathy Moore, advanced business analyst; Elaine Vincent, advisor, Community Involvement; Joan Ceinski, Human Resources representative IV; and Mulualem Ghebreselassie, engineer IV.

L.-r.: Jackie Espinoza, consultant, Regional External Affairs; Kasadi Nooitgedagt (Heather’s daughter); and Heather Nooitgedagt, clerk senior, spent their Day of Caring at Family Promise in Sussex County organizing the agency’s storage area. The organization’s mission is to secure housing stability and sustainability for those facing crisis situations.