Company News & Information

Continuing to Light the Way

August 17, 2022

As employees continue to exemplify a strong commitment to core values in the communities where we live and work, our efforts to showcase their acts of service to others and the environment are also growing – through our Light the Way campaign. Introduced to employees last November, Light the Way is a multi-pronged reputational enhancement initiative designed to rebuild…


R. Paul Smith: Ready for Repurpose

August 17, 2022

FirstEnergy employees have successfully completed the closure of an ash landfill for the former R. Paul Smith Power Station in Berkeley County, W.Va. – paving the way to repurpose the 26-acre property for a planned utility-scale solar facility. The project embodies our commitment to the core value of stewardship and will protect and preserve the…


Focused on Safety

August 16, 2022

Employees in the following JCP&L work groups celebrated safety milestones. Morristown – Fourteen employees in the Cable group at the facility celebrated nine years without an OSHA-recordable incident. Northern New Jersey – The Relay group’s 15 employees were recognized for eight years without a controllable motor vehicle accident (CMVA). Farmingdale – Transmission Construction & Maintenance marked three years…


Safety Milestones

August 15, 2022

Potomac Edison, Mon Power, Penn Power and Penelec recognized employees for safe work practices. Potomac Edison Frederick – The service center achieved two years without a controllable motor vehicle accident (CMVA) on July 21. There are 99 employees based at the facility. Bargaining-unit members are represented by Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) Local 102. Mon…


Providing Support When Needed

August 12, 2022

A variety of organizations, events and special programs recently benefitted from our employee volunteerism and FirstEnergy Foundation support. Throughout the month of May, Met-Ed teamed up with the County of York and York County Human Services to help raise awareness about mental health issues, promote good mental health practices and encourage people to support others…


Customer Shout-Out: Penelec

August 12, 2022

Preparing for winter can be a daunting task, but one Pennsylvania household is feeling secure about seasonal changes thanks to weatherization services it received through our WARM program. WARM, which is administered by FirstEnergy in compliance with state requirements set by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, provides home energy conservation improvements and education to help…


Children Come First

August 10, 2022

The future of our communities is in the hands of our children – and we want to help ensure they have all they need to succeed. Here are a few examples of our employees supporting children in the communities we serve. A group of employees in our Toledo Edison service area participated in the Junior…