Company News & Information

Safety Milestones at JCP&L

June 23, 2022

​JCP&L recognized employees in the following work groups for safety milestones: Howell – Meter Services has worked 14 years without an OSHA-recordable incident. There are 47 employees in the group. Lakewood/Point Pleasant – Eleven employees in Meter Reading eclipsed 11 years without a chargeable motor vehicle accident (CMVA). Phillipsburg – Thirteen employees in Utility Construction & Maintenance achieved…


Lighting the Way

June 21, 2022

We’re launching Light the Way, a reputational campaign that highlights the exceptional work we do for the six million customers we serve and the communities where we live and work. The campaign kicks off this week with social and digital media advertising across our service area and features stories of FirstEnergy employees who are living…


Safety Sweep

June 21, 2022

The Energy Association of Pennsylvania (EAP) recently recognized West Penn Power, Penelec, Met-Ed and Penn Power for outstanding safety performance. “We are proud of our Pennsylvania employees – not only for earning these awards, but for their commitment to working each day free from injury,” said Scott Wyman, president, PA Operations. “By embracing our Leading with Safety principles,…


Celebrate Juneteenth

June 17, 2022

June 19 is Juneteenth – the day in 1865 when enslaved people in Texas came under the authority of the Union Army orders ending slavery. Juneteenth celebrates the emancipation of the last remaining enslaved African Americans in the United States. While President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation officially freed all slaves in the U.S. on Jan.…


Helping Communities Blossom

June 16, 2022

FirstEnergy’s Green Teams continue to keep local communities vibrant through tree planting events, pollinator garden installations, recycling drives and more. In the past six months, the teams have completed many projects designed to make the future more sustainable for residents and employees across our service territories. Here’s a few highlights of their dedicated efforts. Tree…


A Unique Journey

June 14, 2022

Not many of us spent our childhoods living in a coastal region with mountains, deserts and rainforests. Mark Robinson, helicopter captain, Utility Flight Operations, Reading (Pa.), has experienced this and more. Mark was born in the city of Yaoundé, which is the capital of the Republic of Cameroon in west central Africa. His British parents were bible…


A Sweeping Success

June 8, 2022

Keeping West Virginia Beautiful The West Virginia Adopt-A-Highway Program was established in the late 1980s to encourage the state’s residents to help protect the environment by eliminating highway litter. Its objective is to increase public awareness and serve as an educational tool by focusing on the consequences that result when littering is allowed to continue…