Seven-Year Safety Streak at Mon Power HQ

January 24, 2020
Employees in Operations Services and Operations Support at Mon Power Headquarters celebrated seven years without an OSHA-recordable incident. There are 52 Mon Power employees working at the Fairmont (W.Va) site.
“Congratulations to our Operations employees for achieving this significant safety record,” said Holly Kauffman, president, West Virginia Operations. “When you take into account that many of these employees spend time in the office and in the field, it makes the accomplishment even more impressive.”
Holly added: “In every work environment, there are exposures that you must first recognize and then plan to mitigate. As we start the new year, I challenge all FirstEnergy employees to renew their focus on safety and reduce their exposure to job hazards.”

Operations Services employees at Mon Power Headquarters

Operations Support employees at Mon Power Headquarters