Summertime Safety

June 30, 2022

The Fourth of July is fast approaching. As we prepare for parades, barbecues and other outdoor activities, Max Safety – spokesperson for FirstEnergy’s Public Safety Outreach program – is reminding everyone to play it safe this summer by encouraging them to Stop. Look. Live.

  • STOP what you’re doing to consider your personal safety before working or playing around power lines or electrical equipment.
  • LOOK around for potential hazards and ways you might come into contact with electrical equipment and identify a way to avoid the hazard.
  • LIVE and prevent serious injury or death by taking precautions to avoid accidental contact with electrical equipment. There is nothing more important than your safety.

Whether at work or at home, Max is offering the following tips to help ensure you and your family have a safe holiday and summer season.

Electrical Safety

  • Stay away from downed power lines and anything they might be touching. Always assume downed lines are energized and report them by calling 911.
  • Never use electric tools in wet areas. Keep electrical devices and cords away from water sources and use battery-operated tools outside, when possible.
  • Call 811 at least three days before working on a project that requires digging to ensure all buried utility lines are identified and you avoid contacting underground lines.
  • Never fly drones, kites or other items near power lines as they can damage equipment or become tangled in the wires. If an object lands near electrical lines or any other energized equipment, contact your utility company for assistance.
  • Before cleaning rain gutters or using a ladder to perform other maintenance around your home, identify where electrical lines are located and stay far away.

Avoid Heat Stress

  • Drink plenty of water or fluids high in electrolytes (e.g., Gatorade) to remain properly hydrated.
  • Wear light-colored clothing to help repel heat from the sun.
  • Pace yourself during strenuous work activities in high heat.
  • Before working outdoors, check the heat index in your area. Employees can use the forecasting tool on the FirstEnergy Weather Portal to identify days/times when conditions could be hazardous.

Tick Bite Prevention

  • Avoid wooded and brushy areas with high grass and leaf litter. Stay toward the center of the path when walking on trails and in forested areas.
  • Conduct a tick check – and take a shower – as soon as possible after coming indoors (preferably within two hours). Use a mirror to view all parts of your body when checking for ticks.
  • Tuck pant legs into work boots and tape the area where your pants and socks meet.
  • Wear long-sleeve shirts and light colors – it can help you spot ticks on your clothes.
  • Use repellents that contain 20% to 30% DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) on exposed skin for protection that lasts up to several hours. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions, avoiding contact with your hands, eyes and mouth.
  • Apply products that contain permethrin (0.5%) on clothing and gear – such as socks, boots and pants – following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Additional tips about electrical safety can be found at Presentations and other materials related to heat stress reduction are located on the Corporate Health & Safety SharePoint site. More information about ticks, the diseases they carry, and bite prevention is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website*.

 *By clicking this link, you are entering a website maintained by an outside party, which is entirely responsible for the site’s content.