Two Great Recognitions

June 2, 2023

The 2023 Akron/Canton Go Red for Women Luncheon was held April 13, at Silver Lake Country Club. The FirstEnergy Foundation was an event sponsor and Susan Boggs, director, Regional Workforce Development, was recognized as one of the 2023 Women of Impact nominees. Every year across the country, a select group of individuals are nominated to be a part of Woman of Impact because of their passion and drive to make a difference. Launching on National Wear Red Day nominees work to build campaign plans, recruit Impact teams and inspire their networks to support the American Heart Association’s lifesaving mission.

(L.) Susan Boggs, 2023 American Heart Association Women of Impact nominee. (R.) FirstEnergy employees enjoying the Go Red for Women luncheon.

On May 26, at the Stow City Council meeting Mayor John Pribonic presented a proclamation to Kirk Gardner, consultant, Regional External Affairs, and FirstEnergy for outstanding cooperation and service to the city of Stow. Specifically mentioned in the proclamation were coordination during large transmission line projects, reliability improvements for residential neighborhoods, reduction in substation outages, providing easements on Ohio Edison property for multipurpose recreational trails, providing electrical safety training for Stow firefighters and for exceptional communications during storm restoration involving widespread outages.

At the city council meeting, l.-r.: Jim McCleary city engineer; Kirk; and Mayor Pribonic.